Thursday, October 2, 2008

Progress for Tuesday

So, Tuesday will be a work day. But, you need to come to class with the following things:

Two contemporary branding directions. Michael and I saw a lot of washed up typefaces today. You guys are the new school here, with new technology! Experiment with new typefaces! No Gill, Futura, Myriad, Helvetica, Hobo, etc. simple.

Each person should design a minimum of 4 pages (2 branding directions each) = 8 pages.
In other words, there will be 8 pages per interface.

It's likely that the person designing the object's interface will have less content to flush out.
Thus, the person responsible for the object should begin exploring/rendering in Google Sketchup.


For the extra Flash assignment:

Here's the link to the Flash assignment that you'll be making for Tuesday.

Upload your SWFs to your server and post the link to your file here, by the start of class on Tuesday.

You guys are doing great, by the way! Like I said, I'll be available over the weekend.