Thursday, November 20, 2008

For Thursday!

So, we asked you to generate 5 ideas on the type of interaction your portfolio site should have. These can be written out, or in sketch form. For example, the idea I proposed in class–maybe you have a timeline of your work that you can scroll back and forth through. That's one type.

Be sure to post these ideas to your blog before the start of class today.

Be experimental–even if you don't know how it will work!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Yay!  Remember the things I was saying in class!  Be creative!  Wow us!  We'll be inviting other design students to watch, so you'll have a great audience.  We'll also be clearing out the tables with only the chairs in Univers.  If you have specific instructions with how you might present it, that requires you to go first, post your comments here.

By the beginning of class on Tuesday, you should have your team's files dropped in Michael's dropbox. 

Good luck, and congratulations!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Web 2.0 Lecture this Thursday

Lars Trieloff, a colleague of mine from Day Software and a specialist in all things Web 2.0, will give a presentation this Thursday at 3pm in Futura. Lars is a product manager at Day and his specialty is social collaboration and how it can be used to transform business practices. Lars is one of the founders of Mindquarry, Open Source collaborative software. Be there seniors!

Thursday / November 13 / 3pm / Futura, room 101